Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Share Those Lilacs!!!

It's that time of year when lilacs are in full bloom! They come and go far too quickly, don't they???
Do you ever see a lilac tree with only a few measly blossoms on it???
Do you know why that happens??? It is often because no one cuts them!
The more lilacs you cut the better your tree will blossom next year! Neat huh???
So...prune that bush! Cut those lilacs!!! Put them in every room in your house!
They are only in bloom for a few weeks so enjoy them while you can!!!
Share them with teachers, friends, relitive's and neighbors!
It will surely put a smile on their faces and will likely make your lilac trees more bountiful next year!
It's a win~win situation!!!

Ahhh...I looove the smell of spring!!!
Do you??? Go to www.jennifersmells.com where you will find a variety of Maine scents, or create a scent of your own!