Monday, August 18, 2008


If buying a new outfit for a trip, back to school, graduation, a wedding,
or any special occasion, treat yourself to a new fragrance!
Just like you are bound to remember that outfit you wore, the music
the band played, the food that you ate, the atmosphere, the weather, or who you were with you will also remember that new scent, likely, every time you smell it for the rest of your life! Wow!!!
You can get a whiff of a certain scent and instantly remember the times when you smelled it before, or who was wearing it, even if it was many moons ago, am I right???
It is amazing how strong the sense of smell is!!!

I'm not saying you HAVE to splurge on a new bottle every time an event comes along. (Although I am cologne...a memory collector myself and must have the bottle!)
A less expensive option is to find a scent you love and get an item in the line like a shower gel, soap, a body spray or a lotion! If cologne, or body product's aren't your thing buy a new candle or a new shampoo in an aroma you love!

The outfit you bought may tear or fray, get too tight or soon be out of style but a that you can wear as often you like! But don't get into the rut of wearing the same fragrance all the time, everyday, for years! (Too predictable!!!)
It is great to have your favorite, or your "signiature scent", but altenate that with other fragrances you love, too! Go crazy! Where a different scent now and then!

Remember...too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing!!! Wear your fragrance lavishly but lightly! You don't want your fragrance to walk into the room before you do!!!

Here are some of my fragrance memories. What are yours???

Loves Baby Soft, Tatiana, Foxfire Cologne's and Gee Your Hair Smell's Terrific, Body on Tap & Lemon Up shampoo's=Jr.High & High school, Laura Ashley#1 bought on my Senior class trip to England, Lauren for my Prom and graduation, My music teacher's Cinnabar, My mothers Hawaiian White Ginger and a huge bottle of Oscar De Laurente, My grandmothers White Shoulders and Halston, my Dad wearing Polo, Robert and Metropolis, Giorgio at the Mall, Dianne+Alyssa Ashley musk and walking to Zayers,Louise and LuLu, Fred Hayman's 273 at Filene's in Boston, Jon and Drakkar Deodorant only, Kim and Bill Blass, Sheila and I and Chanel, Beautiful on my wedding day, Kathleen wearing Aromatic's Elixir, Jill loving Lagerfeld,Scott and Obsession, Beth and Romance,Hanae Mori and Sally, Verbena on Newberry Street, Eternity while in Florida, Eternity and Kimberly, Dan wearing Eternity, Britt and Nicole, Happy the whole summer of 2002, Mariss,Boston & Polo Blue, Angel & Colleen wearing wings, Pajama party+Samsara with Jon and Sara! (Just to name a few...!!!)
My most recent fixation is a fragrance of my own called Angel Food Cake!
Go to, or locally to Hair Artistry in Falmouth, to try it for yourself and to see my entire collection of yummy scents and body and home products!


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