Saturday, December 27, 2008

Fun things to do for the whole family!

Well I am a Mom and a person who likes to have things to "things" I mean anything other than housework!
Here is a list of free or almost free things that you and your kids or grand kids can do this snowy winter in Maine, or in any snowy state!
Many are not new ideas at all! Just reminders!

Call your talented friends! Ask them to teach you their craft whether it is knitting, baking, making jewelry or sewing!

If you have 'em, cross country ski in a park, golf course or cemetary
(or in your neighborhood if it's safe to!)

Let your kids give you a manicure or makover!

Have a game or a movie night (or simply give the kids the remote!)
and don't forget the popcorn!
Speaking of games, look through the ones you have!
I bet you will find a few that you forgot about!
(I plan on playing Careers and Clue this week!)

Invite your friends over and have a re-gifting yankee swap!
Seriously, we all got at least one gift that we just cannot use or already have. Am I right? Ya know, If you got a sweater that is the wrong size and you have no idea where to return it or your child has braces and got candy and gum that they can't eat! This is the perfect way to trade it in! Great way to have free fun and recycle!
Host a yankee swap where everyone must bring something that they made! Who knows, a kids painting could wind up being the most sought after gift and how proud would they be???

Bake cookies!

Go to the library and take out that book you have been meaning to read
for a dogs age or re-red a favorite from your youth!

I can't take credit for this but either my friend George or Elaine came up with this fun idea that we vow to finally do in "09!"
Host an Iron Chef sort of party! Pick a food item like tomato, squash, apples, potato...anything, really and have each family make something out of that food! Everyone gets one vote of what dish they think is the best or you have a panel of judges! Prizes can be as simple as homemade ribbons that the kids can make (a great activity for them at the party!)
I have a neat fun way, that I learned from my Mom, of making ribbons if anyone wants to learn!

Cut out photo's and sayings from magazines and put them in a folder!
Your kids will enjoy seeing what they liked in "09 years from now!

Have a snowball fight.

Write a letter to someone you miss.

Look through those recipe books for some new recipe's to make.

Make a time capsule.

Go to your local community center to walk safely inside or for a minimal fee swim or relax in the Jacuzzi!

Host an old fashioned pot roast or a bean suppah and assign each family to bring something specific so all the bases are covered! (app's, entree, sides, bread & butter, comdiments, dessert etc...)That way it isn't a big expense for anyone!

Look through craft books and make something!

Use that pasta, bread or ice cream maker that has never been taken out of the box!

Write a story with illustrations.

Go through those old photo's! Put them in an album or make magnets or coasters out of your favorites!

Paint (even if the kid's are young finger painting is a blast!)

Make home made soup and share it with a neighbor!

Put some music on and dance!

Go to an open houses! It's free and you get see some suprising and wonderful uses of different spaces, paint in colors you love but might not have ever thought to use and often a great new awareness and love of the home you already live in!

Go ice skating or sledding.

Make painted pasta necklaces and wear them!

Bring those old unused clothes and toys that are piling up to Goodwill or Salvation Army. (finally!)

Make Cd's of your favorite songs to give as gifts throughout the year!

Have your kids show you those things you don't know but wish you did on the computer! You will learn something new AND your kids will be thrilled to have taught you something! (Like Facebook for instance, I have a facebook page but I don't understand how to use it! Nope...I just don't get it!)

Make a snowman or woman.

Pick up an old or forgotten hobby whether it is playing an instrument, calligraphy or knitting!

Gather together all of your favorite recipes, make copies of them, and create your own recipe book to give as gifts! Use a photo or have your kids draw a picture for the cover!

Visit local Art galleries! They are often free or inexpensive!
You never know what inspiration you might find and artists welcome the company!

Do a puzzle! Put in a place that anyone passing by won't be able to resist tyring to place a piece or two!

Have an ice cream sundae buffet! Toppings and ice cream are really inexpensive and swhat fun you will have! (and yes you can eat ice cream in the winter!)

Use your phones and cameras and take a walk after it has snowed, or even while it is snowing, and take pictures! The trees are breath-taking covered in the glistening new fallen snow! Print out the favorites and make cards out them by simply adhearing one with a glue stick to a folded over piece of card stock! (who knows, you might unleash a budding future artist or photographer!)

And for those chores that you just have to do, make them into a fun contest!
See if you can empty the dishwasher in 5 minutes.
See who can fold their pile of laundry first, or who can pick up their room the quickest! The prize can be as simple as a cup of hot chocolate!

Lastly, as my mother might say, be sure to feed the birds and squirrels your stale bread, nuts or over ripe fruit! They surely appreciate every scrap they get this time of year!

If you have any ideas of things that your family likes to do, or if you should happen to do something from this list and enjoy it by all means tell us about it! Just hit "comments" below!
If you go through my old blogs I surely have other ideas, too!

Like this blog or past ones??? Forward it to your friends and family!

For anyone in need of a great Valentine's gift, Birthday present or a treat for yourself all of my jennifersmells product's are 20% now through February 25th!
If you live in the greater Portland area we will deliver your products to you and save you the shipping! e-mail or call me to place an order! or 879-1369!
Happy Valentine's Day! and Happy School Vacation one and all!

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